Episode 85 / 2020.08.31
width="250" height="30" title="Sprig brings Reactivity to Twig" album="devMode.fm" artist="devMode.fm" controls>
Andrew Welch
#twig #frontend #javascript

On this episode, we talk to Ben Cro­ker from PutY­ourLight­sOn about his new plu­g­in for Craft CMS called Sprig.

Sprig brings reac­tiv­i­ty to your Twig tem­plates, by allow­ing you to do what are effec­tive­ly dynam­ic includes of famil­iar Twig templates.

This allows you to do dynam­ic things like han­dle pag­i­na­tion, dynam­ic updat­ing of con­tent, and more while keep­ing a uni­fied Twig-based ren­der­ing model.

Joined by Ryan Ire­lan, we delve into how Sprig can be used as a lit­tle extra sea­son­ing for your web pages, with­out hav­ing to resort to a full blown fron­tend frame­work like React or Vue.

Recent Episodes

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In this episode, we have Car­son from Big Sky Soft­ware & Deniz Akşimşek on to talk about Hyper­script, which they tout as what JavaScript would look like if it were designed for the web! Guest host Ben Cro­ker from PutY­ourLight­sOut tells us why, yes, we real­ly do need a script­ing lan­guage built on top of JavaScript to make com­mon things easy to do. And that’s what Hyper­script aims to…
#frontend #javascript #html
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#webdev #headless #CMS
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#standup #vite #docker
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On this episode host­ed by Jen­nifer Blum­berg with guest Chris Fer­di­nan­di, we con­tin­ue the What is even…?” series by delv­ing into exact­ly what even is JavaScript? We talk about JavaScrip­t’s con­vo­lut­ed ori­gins, and how a lan­guage writ­ten in 10 days has become the most pop­u­lar lan­guage on the plan­et. Chris leads us through dis­cussing the per­ils of the pro­lif­er­a­tion of JavaScript on the frontend,…
#JavaScript #what-even-is-it #frontend
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Episode 117 / 2021.09.20
Host Jen­nifer Blum­berg leads the dis­cus­sion of Strapi, a Node-based CMS& API provider that allows you to cre­ate con­tent-rich expe­ri­ences. We are joined by guest Daniel Madal­it­so Phiri from Strapi’s devel­op­er rela­tions team. We delve into using Strapi as a head­less CMS, lever­ag­ing the awe­some devel­op­er expe­ri­ence offered by the com­bi­na­tion of Type­Script, GraphQL, and React. Build any React…
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Episode 113 / 2021.07.26
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Ryan Ire­lan & Andrew record anoth­er dev­Mode standup streamed live on YouTube; we chat about Apple AirTags for track­ing peo­ple & pets, WWDC 2021, and our take (and dis­ap­point­ment) at some of the announce­ments. Then on to Apple Home­Pods vs. Sonos setups, 68K → Pow­er­PC tran­si­tion, Pow­er­PC → Intel tran­si­tion, and a bunch of oth­er non­sense like YouTube copy­right strikes. Andrew talks about some…
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On this episode host­ed by Jen­nifer Blum­berg with guest Matthias Noback, we con­tin­ue the What is even…?” series by delv­ing into exact­ly what even is PHP? We talk about PHP’s ori­gins, how PHP works from request to php-fpm work­er process­es to lex­er to byte­code to JIT, the whole she­bang! We also dis­cuss there are so few fea­ture-rich, author­ing expe­ri­ence focused CMSs writ­ten in lan­guages other…
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#nuxt #Vue #craftcms
We have a chat with Josh Craw­ford from Verbb​.io about his com­pa­ny’s focus on bring­ing Craft CMS plu­g­ins to the com­mu­ni­ty that improve the con­tent author­ing expe­ri­ence. We start with an in-depth dis­cus­sion of the Vizy, which is a solu­tion for writ­ing long­form con­tent in Craft CMS that aims to improve upon the tra­di­tion­al con­tent builder” matrix block set­up. Josh men­tions how it’s a result of…
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#standup #craftcms #make
Episode 106 / 2021.05.03
On this episode host­ed by Jen­nifer Blum­berg, we delve into this mag­i­cal, mys­ti­cal thing we used every day called The Inter­net”. As tech­nol­o­gy pro­fes­sion­als we know more than most about it, but still there are many fun­da­men­tal things about how the Inter­net works that we take for grant­ed, or don’t ful­ly under­stand. We delve into the phys­i­cal com­mu­ni­ca­tions medi­ums, the pro­to­cols, and the history…
#internet #what-even-is-it #magic
Patrick Hon­ey­dew” Har­ring­ton & Andrew record anoth­er dev­Mode standup streamed live on YouTube, where we talk about a web­site that Andrew’s brought back from the dead as a favor to a friend that’s a favor to a friend. The web­site went entire­ly offline because the VPS bill was­n’t paid, and Andrew stream him rebuild­ing & mod­ern­iz­ing is from scratch on YouTube, warts and all. We also talk about…
#standup #recap #seomatic
We talk with Dr. Thomas Antho­ny from Dis­tilled / Search­Pi­lot about how a sci­en­tif­ic approach to SEO A/B test­ing gives you results, not incense and tarot cards. Joined by guest host Car­o­line Blak­er from Pet­ro­glyph Cre­ative, we dis­cuss the strug­gle to bring the rig­or of the sci­en­tif­ic method to SEO, by iso­lat­ing what works from what does­n’t in a deter­min­is­tic way. We talk about how we shouldn’t…
#seo #a/b testing #optimize
Patrick & Andrew record anoth­er dev­Mode standup streamed live on YouTube, focus­ing the con­ver­sa­tion around the idea of using your skills and inter­ests to make your own prod­uct. We talk about the ben­e­fits of using your super pow­ers as a devel­op­er to make your own prod­uct, and thus your own wealth… as well as the down­sides of being your own boss. We also talk about Club­house, DotAll conference…
#standup #product #revenue
Episode 102 / 2021.03.08
Jonathan Melville hosts this episode on how we han­dle break­ing down com­plex prob­lems so that we can imple­ment a solu­tion. Our jobs as devel­op­ers is solv­ing prob­lems we don’t ful­ly under­stand yet, but there are method­olo­gies we can use to help break down these com­plex prob­lems into emi­nent­ly doable chunks of work. We talk about our per­son­al approach­es to solv­ing com­plex devel­op­ment prob­lems, and…
#complex #problems #webdev
Patrick & Andrew recap the results of Andrew’s bet against the fall of the repub­lic, we talk about build­ing mul­ti-arch Dock­er images for Patrick­’s beloved M1, and tell you more about LLVM& com­pil­ers than you want­ed to know. We then launch into PHP 8, the JIT (Just In Time) com­pil­er, find­ing & fix­ing weird obscure bugs, how to decide whether some­thing is a bug or an envi­ron­men­tal issue, Imagick…
#standup #PHP 8 #docker
For the 100th episode, Ben Cro­ker leads the cabal of inquisi­tors, and puts the reg­u­lar hosts Patrick Har­ring­ton & Andrew Welch in the hot seat! We dis­cuss their col­or­ful his­to­ries and learn more than we ever want­ed to know about run­ning marathons & Patrick in tights. Ben Cro­ker and his hench­men Matt Stein & Lind­sey DiLore­to pro­ceed to roast the hosts” on a wide vari­ety of top­ics. If you…
#roast #hosts #interview
We sit down for a chat with Hen­ri Hel­veti­ca to dis­cuss his jour­ney from work­ing at record labels to the fash­ion indus­try and then land­ing with a splash in the tech world. We dis­cuss how his var­ied back­ground has giv­en him things to draw upon in the tech world in unex­pect­ed but serendip­i­tous ways. We have a good dis­cus­sion on the Toron­to Web Perf & JAM­stack Toron­to mee­tups he hosts, the talks he…
#webperf #JAMstack #webdev
Patrick is mad­ly in love with his M1 Mac­Book Air, Dock­er on M1 Macs, how vir­tu­al. mem­o­ry swap­ping works, how often do you reboot your com­put­er? Andrew is some­what skep­ti­cal about the Apple Car (remem­ber the Pip­pin!), we talk deploy­ments with Bud­dy, GitHub Actions, Azure pipelines, the glo­ry of a mod­u­lar web­pack 5 con­fig, get-web­pack-con­fig, Mael­strom, Choplifter, and oth­er devel­op­ment stuff…
#standup #M1 #webpack
We talk with Kent C Dodds about how he made a career out of teach­ing React, cul­mi­nat­ing most recent­ly in his Epic React course that aims to ensure you learn how to React. Kent also talks enthu­si­as­ti­cal­ly about Remix.run, the project from Ryan Flo­rence @ryanflorence & Michael Jack­son @mjackson that pro­vides a com­plete fron­tend back­end solu­tion for build­ing pro­gres­sive­ly enhanced apps with…
#React #epic #JavaScript
On this dev­Mode Standup, Patrick & Andrew talk about the promise of the JAM­stack, Patrick­’s expe­ri­ence with Nuxt, and how Sprig is the same but dif­fer­ent. We also talk about stuff Andrew is up to, such as Alpine Dock­er con­tain­ers, dual PHP con­tain­ers for XDe­bug per­for­mance rea­sons, and get into Spatie’s new Ray debug­ging tool too. Then we talk about Patrick­’s expe­ri­ence with the M1 Mac­Book Air,…
#standup #JAMstack #docker
We talk with Olivi­er Bon about what it’s like being on the sup­port front lines for Craft CMS. When you send in a sup­port tick­et, email, tweet, etc., chances are Oli is on the oth­er end. Joined by Ben Cro­ker, we hear about Oli’s jour­ney to end up in his cur­rent posi­tion, work­ing in a small vil­lage in the French coun­try­side for Pix­el & Ton­ic. We go on to dis­cuss how peo­ple send­ing in sup­port are…
#craftcms #support #webdev
In this round­table dis­cus­sion, the dev­Mode hosts and reg­u­lars talk about what it was like in 2020 liv­ing and work­ing through the glob­al pan­dem­ic. Many of our long-time hosts & reg­u­lar guest come back to share their per­son­al sto­ries in terms of what work, play, and the mean­ing of life has become in the con­text of COVID-19. Of course, in true dev­Mode style, it’s approached in a potentially…
#holiday #roundtable #2020
On this episode, we chat with Drew Pow­ers from skypack.dev about Snow­pack, a mod­ern fron­tend build tool that’s blaz­ing­ly fast, and zero con­fig to get up and run­ning. Learn why Snow­pack was named the “#1 Devel­op­er Pro­duc­tiv­i­ty Boost­er” and why Code​Pen​.io just announced an inte­gra­tion with the Sky­pack CDN. We talk about how lever­ag­ing the plat­form allows Snow­pack to deliv­er a fast and easy to set…
#JavaScript #webpack #bundling
Episode 92 / 2020.11.30
On this episode, we talk with Segun Sage” Ade­bayo, the cre­ator of the Chakra UI com­po­nent library about how Chakra came to be, and how help­ing peo­ple has changed his life. Chakra UI is a set of React com­po­nents that makes putting togeth­er any web­site eas­i­er, with a con­sis­tent design sys­tem and acces­si­ble & com­pos­able com­po­nents. If you’re a fan of Vue.js, don’t wor­ry, there’s Chakra UI for…
#React #components #UI
Episode 91 / 2020.11.16
On this episode, we talk with Ste­fan Baum­gart­ner, author of Type­Script in 50 Lessons” about what Type­Script is, and why we should adopt it. We dis­cuss how the entire ecosys­tem, from fledg­ling devel­op­ers to frame­work authors ben­e­fit immense­ly from Type­Script, and we dis­cuss exact­ly how and why that is. It’s like­ly that if you do any JavaScript cod­ing at all these days, you’re actu­al­ly using…
#javascript #typescript #frontend
In this round­table dis­cus­sion, we once again bring togeth­er mem­bers of the Craft CMS plu­g­in devel­op­ers cabal to talk about the state of plu­g­in devel­op­ment 2 ½ years after the Craft CMS plu­g­in store went live. We talk about a wide range of issues from devel­op­ment chal­lenges to mar­ket­ing, and how sup­port is a large part of what we do. We also dis­cuss Super­Big­Co’s Fred Carlsen’s exo­dus from the…
#craftcms #plugin #roundtable
On this episode we have a round table dis­cus­sion with a cadre of Craft CMS devel­op­ers to dis­cuss whether a future ver­sion of Craft CMS should use Yii3 or Lar­avel. We talk about the rel­a­tive mer­its of both stay­ing the course with Yii3 and join­ing the legions in Lar­avel-land… with a wild­card thrown in of poten­tial­ly just lever­ag­ing Sym­fony direct­ly. We launch into a dis­cus­sion about the relative…
#craftcms #laravel #yii
On this episode we talk with Infos­ec con­sul­tant Eugen Olteanu about infor­ma­tion secu­ri­ty and the dark side of the web. There exists a par­al­lel world where the break­ing into web­sites is both a mea­sure of street cred and also a pro­fes­sion. We delve down into the bel­ly of the beast to dis­cuss how this world works. We also talk about what devel­op­ers can to do mit­i­gate poten­tial attacks and security…
#infosec #security #webdev
On this episode, we talk with Pariss Athena, the cre­ator of #Black­TechTwit­ter & founder of Black​Tech​Pipeline​.com, about how devel­op­ers can use social media to advance our devel­op­ment career. We have a great con­ver­sa­tion about Paris­s’s jour­ney from being an estheti­cian wax­ing bod­ies to found­ing her very own tech start­up. Helen may have had the face that launched a thou­sand ships, but Pariss had…
#technology #bizdev ##BlackTechTwitter
Episode 86 / 2020.09.07
On this episode we have Car­son from Big Sky Soft­ware on to dis­cuss how his htmx library is an exten­sion to HTML that brings need­ed dynam­ic func­tion­al­i­ty to the mod­ern web with­out bring­ing com­plex­i­ty. Joined by Ben Cro­ker from PutY­ourLight­sOn, we dis­cuss the type of prob­lems that htmx is designed to solve, which is dynamism & fetch­ing back­end data. We also dis­cuss how it’s ide­o­log­i­cal­ly similar…
#frontend #javascript #html
Episode 85 / 2020.08.31
On this episode, we talk to Ben Cro­ker from PutY­ourLight­sOn about his new plu­g­in for Craft CMS called Sprig. Sprig brings reac­tiv­i­ty to your Twig tem­plates, by allow­ing you to do what are effec­tive­ly dynam­ic includes of famil­iar Twig tem­plates. This allows you to do dynam­ic things like han­dle pag­i­na­tion, dynam­ic updat­ing of con­tent, and more while keep­ing a uni­fied Twig-based rendering…
#twig #frontend #javascript
On this episode, we talk with Bran­don Kel­ly & Leah Stephen­son from Pix­el & Ton­ic about all the fan­cy new fea­tures in the recent­ly released Craft CMS 3.5! We talk about the new Field Lay­out Design­er, sup­port for GraphQL muta­tions, acces­si­bil­i­ty improve­ments, a great­ly enhanced Project Con­fig, and a ton more! Ryan Ire­lan also joins us to talk about what’s com­ing in Craft CMS 4 (or is it 3.6?).…
#craftcms #craft-3 #AX
On this episode, we talk with Andris Ševčenko, the Lead Spe­cial Ops Engi­neer @ Pix­el & Ton­ic about what it’s like to craft the under­ly­ing APIs that thou­sands of devel­op­ers will be lever­ag­ing. Tim Kel­ty from Fusion­ary Media joins us to dis­cuss the ori­gins of a GraphQL API for Craft CMS, how test dri­ven devel­op­ment fac­tored into it, and what it was like behind the scenes archi­tect­ing this API
#craftcms #graphql #JAMstack
On this episode, we have Sam Her­nan­dez from Pre­coc­i­ty LLC on to talk to us about how the cen­turies old phi­los­o­phy of Sto­cism applies to devel­op­ment, and to our lives. Sto­cism is a phi­los­o­phy designed to make us more resilient, hap­pi­er, more vir­tu­ous and more wise – and as a result, bet­ter peo­ple, bet­ter par­ents and bet­ter pro­fes­sion­als. Sam talks to us about how we can use the phi­los­o­phy to…
#stocism #job #webdev
On this episode we talk to Simon Vrach­li­o­tis aka Simon­Swiss” from Tail­wind Labs about his wild jour­ney being a pri­ma­ry school teacher in the Swiss alps to surf­ing the waves in Syd­ney, Aus­tralia as a React devel­op­er at Thinkmill and then on to being employ­ee #2 at Tail­wind Labs. We unwind the fas­ci­nat­ing tale of how Simon made the tran­si­tion from teacher to web devel­op­er, includ­ing excursions…
#webdev #teaching #job
Host­ed by Matt Stein, on this episode we talk to Andrew Welch from nystudio107, Nevin Lyne from Arcus Tech, and Brad Bell from Pix­el & Ton­ic. The dis­cus­sion cen­ters around a recent crit­i­cal Serv­er Site Tem­plate Injec­tion (SSTI) & Remote Code Exe­cu­tion (RCE) exploit in the SEO­mat­ic plu­g­in for Craft CMS. We dis­cuss a time­line of what tran­spired, and walk through the dis­cov­ery process as in the…
#craftcms #seomatic #vulnerability
Episode 79 / 2020.06.29
On this episode, Eve Por­cel­lo, Lead Instruc­tor at Moon High­way, gives us a gen­tle intro­duc­tion to GraphQL. If you’re heard of GraphQL but aren’t quite sure what the ben­e­fits are over a RESTAPI, this is the episode for you! We talk about when you’d use GraphQL, and what ben­e­fits it brings to the table over oth­er ways of get­ting data from an end­point. We talk about prac­ti­cal use-cas­es for…
#graphql #javascript #frontend
On this episode we talk to Ryan McCul­lagh, founder of the PHP host­ing and deploy­ment plat­form Amez­mo. We talk about how Amez­mo dif­fers from oth­er offer­ings like Forge, in that it has inte­grat­ed deploy­ments (sim­i­lar to Envoy­er) and also takes care of the VPS part of the equa­tion for you. We dis­cuss how Amez­mo is tar­get­ed at free­lancers & agen­cies who are skilled at build­ing web­sites, but don’t…
#hosting #devops #SaaS
On this episode, Evan Lord of Open Source” Bacon from Expo​.io is on to talk to us about build­ing React Native apps in Expo. Joined again by Paulo Ellias, we dis­cuss exact­ly what the rela­tion­ship between React, React Native, and Expo is, and how they all work togeth­er to bring the write once, run every­where” dream to life. We talk about how some real-world projects would ben­e­fit from the…
#react #native #expo
On this episode, we talk to Chris­t­ian Alfoni & Fab­rice Wein­berg about their brand new Tail­wind CSS inspired CSS in JS baby, Stitch­es! Chris­t­ian & Fab­rice talk about the advan­tages that CSS in JS offers, allow­ing you to get auto­mat­ic Crit­i­cal CSS, have nar­row­ly scoped styles, and skip the Purge CSS step found in more tra­di­tion­al approach­es. We dis­cuss how they decid­ed to aban­don their Classy UI
#css #javascript #css-in-js
On this episode, we have Jason McCal­lis­ter and Brad Bell from Pix­el & Ton­ic on to talk about their new Craft Nitro prod­uct for local PHP devel­op­ment. Nitro is a light­weight local dev envi­ron­ment that lever­ages Canon­i­cal’s Mul­ti­pass tech­nol­o­gy that gives you the ben­e­fits you want from a VM, but with­out the heav­i­ness you don’t. We talk about how Jason spear­head­ed the devel­op­ment of Craft Nitro,…
#devops #local dev #craftcms
Episode 74 / 2020.04.27
Jen­nifer Blum­berg hosts this episode with Giel Tet­te­laar, Tech Lead @ Glob­al Net­work Group & the author of the Craft CMS test­ing envi­ron­ment to talk all about test­ing! Ben Cro­ker from Put Your Lights On joins in the dis­cus­sion of what test­ing is, where to test, and when to test. We delve into prac­ti­cal times when a plu­g­in devel­op­er or cus­tom mod­ule devel­op­er might want imple­ment test­ing, as…
#craftcms #testing #plugin
On this episode we talk to Notion Jedi Marie Poulin about the free-form, flex­i­ble orga­ni­za­tion tool that is Notion. Marie leads us through how Notion has lit­er­al­ly trans­formed her busi­ness as well as her life, as she now runs Notion Office Hours live streams, and has a con­sult­ing busi­ness that orbits around the tool. We also talk about how Jonathan & Math­ew are already on board the Notion…
#notion #bizdev #organize
In this episode, we talk to Andreas Wit­tig from cloudo​naut​.io about best prac­tices when using Dock­er for our web appli­ca­tions. We delve into what Dock­er is, and how the pack­ag­ing of devops as con­fig allows for eas­i­er onboard­ing, and also eas­i­er roll­back to what­ev­er dev envi­ron­ment a par­tic­u­lar project needs. Then Andreas regales us with his top Do’s and Don’ts to keep in mind when using Docker.…
#devops #docker #frontend
On this episode we have the author of Alpine.js, Caleb Porzio, on to dis­cuss his very light­weight JavaScript library that just might be exact­ly what you need. We talk about whether the world real­ly needs anoth­er JavaScript library, and how Alpine was born out of Cale­b’s expe­ri­ence of using Vue.js exten­sive­ly for years in build­ing appli­ca­tion. We’re also joined by Keyur Shah from Paperand​more​.com…
#Alpine.js #JavaScript #frontend
In this episode, we talk to Mike Taber about his Soft­ware as a Ser­vice (Saas) prod­uct Bluet​ick​.io that auto­mates per­son­al­ized con­tact emails for you. We dis­cuss the prod­uct, and how agencies/​freelancers might use it, and then also delve into Mike’s back­ground in start­ing Micro­conf with Rob Walling foot boot­strapped start­up founders. We go on to dis­cuss how Mike went from work­ing at a com­pa­ny to…
#email #contact #SaaS
On this episode, we talk to Ben Oren­stein about Tuple, dubbed The best remote pair pro­gram­ming app on macOS”. We dis­cuss why pair pro­gram­ming is such a help­ful thing to be doing, whether you’re work­ing remote­ly or even on-site togeth­er, in terms of learn­ing by observ­ing, which is what we pri­mates are geared for. With more and more peo­ple being asked to work remote­ly to com­bat COVID-19, Tuple’s…
#remote #working #pair-programming
On this episode, we’re joined by spe­cial guest Lea Alcan­tara to talk with Kitze about Sizzy, his web brows­er for devel­op­ers & design­ers. We dis­cuss how Sizzy allows you to visu­al­ize your project holis­ti­cal­ly, by show­ing you how it looks on mul­ti­ple devices & ori­en­ta­tions simul­ta­ne­ous­ly. Sizzy is also some­thing that Qual­i­ty Assur­ance (QAs) will love, for the instan­ta­neous san­i­ty check of the…
#webdev #design #sizzy
Episode 67 / 2020.03.08
On this episode, we talk to Matt Bar­ron, who as of today left his job as a senior design­er at Thinkmill… and exit­ed the tech busi­ness entire­ly. We talk to Matt about the moti­va­tion for leav­ing the tech busi­ness after being ful­ly immersed in it for almost 30 years. We dis­cuss the courage it takes to leave some­thing behind that you’ve become so skilled at, and how hum­bling it is start­ing anew at…
#webdev #job #exit
In this episode we talk to Paulo Elias, for­mer­ly from IDEO, about his expe­ri­ences inter­view­ing for a fron­tend web devel­op­ment posi­tion in 2020. We talk about the inter­view process, and how much of the focus is on JavaScript, with CSS and HTML as almost an after­thought. Is this just a thing inside the bub­ble that is Sil­i­con Val­ley, or is it a broad­er shift in the craft of mod­ern web…
#webdev #interview #job
On this episode, we talk to Sou­vik Das Gup­ta from Miranj and Rob Hewitt from Stead­fast Design Firm about how design­ers and devel­op­ers can work more effec­tive­ly togeth­er. We dis­cuss when design­ers and devel­op­ers should begin the col­lab­o­ra­tion process, and whether it makes sense for each pro­fes­sion to learn a lit­tle bit of the oth­er. We go on to talk about the crit­i­cal role of tool­ing, and how…
#webdev #design #frontend
On this episode, @csswizardry Har­ry Roberts regales us with sto­ries from the trench­es, dis­cussing the real-world web per­for­mance prob­lems he’s helped com­pa­nies over­come, and how. We go on to dis­cuss how to how to help jus­ti­fy to expense of opti­miz­ing for per­for­mance, and how it’s real­ly a busi­ness deci­sion in terms of what ends up mak­ing the com­pa­ny more mon­ey. We go on to dis­cuss the massive…
#webperf #webdev #frontend
Matt Stein from Work­ing Con­cept hosts this episode all about the art of focus, joined by spe­cial guests Bran­don Kel­ly from Pix­el & Ton­ic and Ran­som Rober­son from Ven­veo. The dev​Mode​.fm crew dis­cuss­es the very dif­fer­ent strate­gies we’ve each each adopt­ed to help us main­tain focus, and dis­cuss how work/​life bal­ance comes into play as well. We learn that Matt spends an unusu­al amount of time…
#shoptalk #bizdev #roundtable
On this episode we talk with Paulo Ellias about build­ing real native iOS and Android apps in React native. Even if your bread and but­ter is web devel­op­ment, explor­ing the options avail­able to you like React Native that allow you to lever­age your exist­ing skills can be a real­ly pos­i­tive out­come. We dis­cuss what it’s like to go from build­ing CMS web­sites to build­ing React fron­tends to building…
#react #native #apps
On this episode, we’re joined by Adam Bradley & Manu Mar­tinez-Almei­da, the Ion­ic Frame­work team behind Sten­cil! We learn how Sten­cil is a build tool that allows you to cre­ate frame­work agnos­tic com­po­nents that work with all of the major JavaScript frame­works, includ­ing no frame­work at all as Web Com­po­nents. We dis­cuss how the Ion­ic Frame­work’s need to solve the puz­zle of com­po­nents work­ing with…
#frontend #webdev #components
Episode 60 / 2019.12.23
This spe­cial hol­i­day episode of dev​Mode​.fm is some round­table ban­ter with many of the reg­u­lar dev​Mode​.fm hosts, and noth­ing tech­ni­cal is dis­cussed at all. Instead, we delve into the his­to­ry of eggnog — We thought Michael was read­ing from Wikipedia but turns out he’s just obsessed — betel nut chew­ing, and oth­er hol­i­day tra­di­tions. We start to dis­cuss hol­i­day plans, but quick­ly tran­si­tion to a…
#holiday #special #roundtable
Episode 59 / 2019.12.09
On this episode, we have a round­table dis­cus­sion on devel­op­er burnout spear­head­ed by Ben Parizek of Bar­rrel Strength Design, along with our guest Ben Cro­ker of PutY­ourLight­sOn. We talk about all of our per­son­al expe­ri­ences with devel­op­er burnout, in terms of what it feels like, what and whom it impacts, and also how to deal with it. We cen­ter the talk around Ben’s strug­gle with his own…
#shoptalk #bizdev #roundtable
On this episode, we talk with Amelia Wat­ten­berg­er, a fron­tend & UX devel­op­er at Parse​.ly about data visu­al­iza­tion aka dataviz. We dis­cuss the ori­gins of dataviz, and how it can be used to tell a nar­ra­tive with the imme­di­a­cy and vis­cer­al con­nec­tion that can be dif­fi­cult to do with oth­er medi­ums. We dis­cuss Ameli­a’s per­son­al approach to dataviz, and dis­cuss the d3.js library at length. d3.js is a…
#dataviz #frontend #d3
On this episode we talk with Katie Fritz from Fos­ter Com­merce about what it takes to have an awe­some Author Expe­ri­ence (AX). There’s plen­ty of talk about User Expe­ri­ence (UX) & Devel­op­er Expe­ri­ence (DX) but with many con­tent-heavy web­sites, the con­tent Author Expe­ri­ence (AX) can be of para­mount impor­tance. We go from high lev­el philo­soph­i­cal approach­es to Author expe­ri­ence, down to practical…
#frontend #author #AX
In this episode, we have a round­table dis­cus­sion with a vari­ety of expe­ri­enced web devel­op­ers who are at dif­fer­ent stages of using the JAM­stack, from not at all, to exploring/​experimenting, to using to deliv­er client projects to pro­duc­tion. We’re joined by Will Browar & Marc Hartwig from Dixon Schw­abl, Jake Dohm from Good Work, and Shawn swyx” Wang from Netli­fy to have a real­ly in-depth…
#JAMstack #frontend #webdev #bizdev
On this episode, we talk to Shawn swyx” Wang from Netli­fy about the JAM­stack & Server­less rev­o­lu­tion in fron­tend devel­op­ment. We dis­cuss what exact­ly Netli­fy is, and how you can lever­age the Edge, Build, and Dev aspect of it to make your devel­op­ment process more enjoy­able. We talk about the chal­lenges of main­tain­ing Author Expe­ri­ence (AX) in the age of sta­t­ic site gen­er­a­tors, using Live…
#JAMstack #hosting #frontend
On this episode, we’re joined by Sebastien Dehes­din from Bleeps & Blops to talk about lur­ing clients away from Word­Press. Word­Press pow­ers a mas­sive slice of the Inter­net, but its hold is slip­ping as mod­ern web devel­op­ment advances, and oth­er solu­tions offer a bet­ter devel­op and con­tent author­ing expe­ri­ences. We delve into strate­gies we use to lure clients away from Word­Press, and talk in depth…
#craftcms #wordpress #bizdev
In this episode, we talk to Matt Gray about his jour­ney from work­ing at an agency to free­lanc­ing to devel­op­ing his own soft­ware as a ser­vice (SaaS) called Servd”. We delve into the nuts and bolts of Servd, which aims to be a one-click host­ing solu­tion for Craft CMS that imple­ments a num­ber of best prac­tices such as scal­a­bil­i­ty, image opti­miza­tion, robust queue run­ning, log aggre­ga­tion, and…
#hosting #devops #SaaS
The dev​Mode​.fm crew recaps the Dot All 2019 Con­fer­ence in Mon­tre­al, Cana­da… joined by Ben Cro­ker and Lind­sey DiLore­to. If you could­n’t make it, this pod­cast is for you! We talk about and ana­lyze the news announced at the Dot All 2019 con­fer­ence such as Craft Cloud, Craft CMS 4, and more! We also dis­cuss the talks that we heard, in terms of what talks we found mem­o­rable. The videos of all of…
#craftcms #dotall #recap
In this round­table dis­cus­sion, we delve into what traits we believe it takes to be a good devel­op­er. We’re joined by spe­cial guests Jen­nifer Blum­berg from Next Solu­tions, Paulo Elias from IDEO, and Ran­som Rober­son from Ven­veo for a fan­tas­tic dis­cus­sion. We sep­a­rate out the traits that it takes to be a good human” that are fair­ly uni­ver­sal to traits that are spe­cif­ic to being a good…
#roundtable #webdev #traits
In this episode, we talk to Chris Fer­di­nan­di believes that many of our mod­ern best prac­tices are harm­ing the web. Chris has ideas for a new set of best prac­tices that bring more sim­plic­i­ty and san­i­ty to the dev process. They involve such hereti­cal ideas as not using the pop­u­lar JavaScript frame­works, and using vanil­la JavaScript instead. We also delve into sta­t­ic site gen­er­a­tors, and how the…
#webdev #frontend #javascript
In this episode we talk with Stephen Cal­len­der about what it takes to run a prof­itable busi­ness. As it turns out, it requires a whole lot of hon­esty. Stephen shares his jour­ney from dual mas­ters degrees to being a preach­er to final­ly end­ed up run­ning his own web devel­op­ment agency from Argenti­na. Run­ning your own busi­ness isn’t always ros­es, and Stephen talks can­did­ly about how despite his…
#shoptalk #webdev #bizdev
Episode 48 / 2019.08.05
On this episode we’re joined by Jason Lengstorf and Chris Bis­car­di to talk about the new­ly released Gats­by Themes! We dis­cuss out Gats­by themes are not your dad­dy’s The­me­For­est, they are com­pos­able so you can uti­lize mul­ti­ple themes in one project. They are also gran­u­lar, so you can replace the look and func­tion­al­i­ty of only the pieces you need to over­ride. We go on to dis­cuss the themes in…
#frontend #gatsbyjs #themes
In this episode, we talk to Vue.js core team mem­ber Chris Fritz about what awe­some new fea­tures we can look for­ward to in Vue.js 3.0! First we dis­cuss a mis­con­cep­tion / mis­com­mu­ni­ca­tion about Vue.js 3.0: the exist­ing tem­plat­ing & com­po­nent syn­tax is will not only con­tin­ue to be sup­port­ed, it will con­tin­ue to be rec­om­mend­ed! Then we go on to talk about the addi­tion­al func­tion­al­i­ty that…
#vuejs #frontend #webdev
In this episode we have on Bran­don Kel­ly from Pix­el and Ton­ic to talk about the new­ly released Craft CMS 3.2! Craft CMS has long worked as a head­less” CMS via the Ele­ment API or GraphQL cour­tesy of the CraftQL plu­g­in, but the new Head­less Live Pre­view sup­port takes it to the next lev­el. We talk about that in depth, and then also dis­cuss a num­ber of oth­er new fea­tures that have been added such…
#craftcms #craft-3 #headless
In this episode we talk about the visu­al devel­op­ment tool Webflow with co-founder Vlad Mag­dalin. Webflow is a visu­al web­site builder tar­get­ed at devel­op­ers rather than end users. We talk to Vlad about his roots as a web devel­op­er that ulti­mate­ly led to his cre­ation of Webflow the com­pa­ny, and the tool. The impe­tus was tak­ing the rep­e­ti­tion out of the job of web devel­op­ment, allow­ing you to focus…
#webflow #webdev #frontend
In this episode we have on Rich Har­ris, the cre­ator the Svelte JavaScript frame­work. Rich leads us through the new Svelte 3.0 release, and how it moves away from a tra­di­tion­al JavaScript frame­work into a JavaScript frame­work com­pil­er. This means you don’t end up ship­ping a mono­lith­ic frame­work, but rather only the JavaScript need­ed to do the thing. You might even call it svelte. We got on to…
#svelte #javascript #frontend
On this episode we have on @GoogleDevExpert Jay Phelps from Citadel Secu­ri­ties about WebAssem­bly. We talk about what WebAssem­bly (or Wasm) is, and how it’s a BIGIDEA” that’s going to impact you in the future. We talk about why there’s a need for some­thing like WebAssem­bly, and what use-cas­es it solves. Then we dive deep to talk about the nit­ty grit­ty in terms of what Wasm is, and how it’s…
#webdev #wasm #webperf
In this episode we have the one and only Una Kravets on to dis­cuss her new sta­tus as a Googler in the Mate­r­i­al Design Web depart­ment. We talk to Una about what exact­ly Google’s Mate­r­i­al Design is, and how it’s far more than just Google’s UX for the web. In fact, Google’s Mate­r­i­al Design is entire­ly theme-able, and is a broad umbrel­la under which Google’s web prod­ucts, Android UX, and many other…
#material #design #webdev
In this episode, we talk to web­pack core main­tain­er Sean Larkin about what web­pack is, who it’s intend­ed for, and where it’s going in the future! We dis­cuss the serendip­i­tous his­to­ry of how Sean came to be a web­pack core main­tain­er, and how his job at Microsoft came about as a result of it. Join by guest host Jake Dohm, we then go on to dis­cuss a whole lot of grit­ty tech­ni­cal detail of how…
#webpack #frontend #webdev
In this episode of dev​Mode​.fm we talk with Jack McDade about his flat file CMS Statam­ic. We talk about the orig­i­nal prob­lem of devel­op­er work­flow that Statam­ic was intend­ed to solve, and then move on to how it all works at a nuts & bolts lev­el. Then we move on to dis­cussing the major new ver­sion the Statam­ic team has been hard at work on: Statam­ic 3. We hop, skip, and jump around some of the…
#statamic #cms #webdev
In this episode, we talk with Fred K. Schott from the Pika Project about a future with­out web­pack. Instead of hav­ing a mas­sive build sys­tem just to use some node pack­ages on the fron­tend, we can use @pika/web! @pika/web aims to tame some of the insan­i­ty that has come with mod­ern JavaScript tool­ing. We talk about how it works to cre­ate a web_​modules‘ fold­er right next to your node_​modules‘…
#JavaScript #frontend #bundling
Episode 38 / 2019.04.15
On this episode, we have Zach Shall­bet­ter, co-founder of Uxil­iary on to dis­cuss the Fron­tend Devel­op­ers” com­mu­ni­ty he start­ed on Slack. We talk about its sud­den rise to fame, and then a devo­lu­tion that hap­pened as a result of Slack­’s poli­cies towards pub­lic com­mu­ni­ties. We dis­cuss the scourges of recruiters, trolls, and hor­ri­ble peo­ple that helped to make the com­mu­ni­ty turn from a vibrant one…
#webdev #frontend #community
In this episode, we have Simon Cox from Cox & Co Cre­ative on to talk about what web devel­op­ers need to know about the sci­ence of Search Engine Opti­miza­tion (SEO) vs. the sac­ri­fic­ing chick­ens” voodoo. We start off by talk­ing about the some­times prob­lem­at­ic rela­tion­ship between web devel­op­ers and SEO con­sul­tants, and how that rela­tion­ship can be most pro­duc­tive. Hor­ror sto­ries are shared. We…
#webdev #seo #best-practices
In this episode we talk to Dominik Wilkows­ki of Thinkmill about design sys­tems from a mod­ern tool­ing point of view. We talk about how the real goal is to bridge the gap between design and devel­op­ment, and what role tool­ing can have in mak­ing this eas­i­er. We also go on to talk in broad­er terms about how using a design token sys­tem as an abstrac­tion lay­er can give you the ben­e­fits of util­i­ty first…
#design #webdev #tooling #tokens
In this episode we have on Jen­nifer Blum­berg from Next/​Solutions to talk about pric­ing medi­um to large sized projects. We’re talk­ing about projects that are firm­ly in the 5 fig­ure range, ven­tur­ing on up into the 6 fig­ure range. But how do we deter­mine what that fig­ure should be, exact­ly? Should it be strict­ly hourly billing, or should it be val­ue-based? And what exact­ly does it mean to have…
#shoptalk #pricing #bizdev
Episode 34 / 2019.02.18
On this episode, we have Kye Hohen­berg­er from Grem­lin and Mitchell Hamil­ton from Thinkmill on to dis­cuss this crazy lit­tle thing called CSS in JS. We talk about what CSS in JavaScript is, and more impor­tant­ly, why it is. We talk about the Emo­tion CSS in JS library that Kye & Mitchell have been work­ing on togeth­er for years… but despite this, the pod­cast is the first time they’ve ever spo­ken to…
#css #javascript #css-in-js
Episode 33 / 2019.02.04
In this episode, we talk to Travis Gertz from Loud­er Than Ten about design sys­tems: what they are, and why are they so hard to define and under­stand? We dis­cuss whether the world is a bet­ter place with the gray same­ness of pass­able but monot­o­nous design from Word­Press themes com­pared to the chaot­ic indi­vid­u­al­i­ty of MySpace and danc­ing ham­sters. We go on to talk about some mod­ern design tools…
#design #webdev #craftcms
On this episode we have on the CSS leg­end Eric Mey­er to talk about the ear­ly days of CSS, and how it almost died, and also onto where CSS is today. We dis­cuss util­i­ty-first CSS, CSS in JavaScript, and talk about the Flexbox and the awe­some­ness that is CSS Grid. We then also talk about the move of Eric’s AnEven​tA​part​.com web­site from Expres­sio­nEngine to Craft CMS. We talk about the motivations…
#css #craftcms #webdev
In this episode, we have Bran­don Kel­ly & Leah Stephen­son from Pix­el & Ton­ic to talk about the excit­ing new fea­tures in Craft CMS 3.1 and Com­merce 2. We talk about how Project Con­fig will help improve devel­op­er work­flow, allow­ing a team to more eas­i­ly col­lab­o­rate by putting the schema changes (any­thing you cre­ate in the Set­tings CP sec­tion) into a revi­sioned file. Then we move on to talk about…
#craftcms #craft-3 #webdev
Episode 30 / 2019.01.07
In this episode we’re joined by Matt Stein of Work­ing Con­cept to talk about what the land­scape of fron­tend devel­op­ment looks like in 2019. We lead in with some amus­ing from the trench­es” devel­op­ment hor­ror sto­ries that embody what it’s like to do mod­ern web devel­op­ment. Then we move on to talk­ing about a wide range of sub­jects, such as Dock­er, Gats­byJS, Grid­some, React, Vue.js, and a whole host…
#webdev #bizdev #best-practices
In this episode we have on Knut Melvær from San​i​ty​.io to talk about cre­at­ing struc­tured con­tent in the head­less” CMS that is San​i​ty​.io! We talk about how a head­less CMS has a dif­fer­ent approach from a tra­di­tion­al CMS, and San­i­ty’s approach to the tack­ling the job of defin­ing schema, and deliv­er­ing a user friend­ly back­end for con­tent edi­tors. We dis­cuss what sets San­i­ty apart from oth­er similar…
#webdev #headless #CMS
This episode of the dev​Mode​.fm pod­cast is a meet­ing of the Craft CMS plu­g­in devel­op­er cabal. We have on vir­tu­al rogue’s gallery of Craft CMS plu­g­in devel­op­ers: Michael Rog from Top Shelf Craft, Ben Parizek from Sprout Plu­g­ins, Ben Cro­ker from PutY­ourLight­sOn, Josh Craw­ford from Verbb, Nate Iler from Flip­box Dig­i­tal, Lind­sey DiLore­to from Dou­ble Secret Agency, and Mark Huot from Hap­pyCog! We talk…
#craftcms #plugin #roundtable
In this episode, we talk to Phil Zaen­gle from Zaen­gle Corp about lever­ag­ing the PHP frame­work Lar­avel to build tru­ly cus­tom web appli­ca­tions. We dis­cuss when a CMS like Craft makes sense, and when it makes sense to uti­lize Lar­avel in addi­tion to or instead of a CMS. We go on to dis­cuss the impor­tance of using the right tool for the job, how Node is an option for what might be done in Laravel,…
#webdev #laravel #apps
Episode 26 / 2018.11.15
In this episode, we have spe­cial guests Matt Wein­berg from Vec­tor Media Group and Mark Huot from Hap­py Cog to dis­cuss Vec­tor Media Group’s recent acqui­si­tion of sto­ried web agency Hap­py Cog. We delve into the moti­va­tion behind the acqui­si­tion, in terms of what Vec­tor Media Group hoped to gain, and then also from Hap­py Cog’s per­spec­tive in terms of ben­e­fits on their end. We also go into the…
#Vector Media Group #Happy Cog #bizdev
In this episodes we veer off into the weeds on ethics, moral­i­ty, and how they relate to tech­nol­o­gy. We talk about some con­tro­ver­sial hap­pen­ings in the tech world regard­ing the Ler­na licens­ing change, and how that relates to the jobs we do every day. Should we be con­cerned about who uses the things we build, and what they use it for? What’s our line in terms of when some­thing is too egregious,…
#webdev #ethics #morality #technology
Episode 24 / 2018.10.26
On this 1st anniver­sary pod­cast, the dev​Mode​.fm hosts along with Ryan Ire­lan have a round­table dis­cus­sion on a smor­gas­bord of tasty tech treats. We talk about projects we’re cur­rent­ly work­ing on, and tech­nolo­gies we’re explor­ing. We dis­cuss Patrick­’s snazzy CodeK­it appar­el, Craft CMS stand­ing up to a mas­sive soc­cer mom DDoS, Expres­sion Engine going open source, and migrat­ing projects from older…
#roundtable #frontend #webdev #migration
On this episode we’re joined by Jason Lengstorf to talk about the amaz­ing Gats­by, a tool to help you build blaz­ing­ly fast sta­t­i­cal­ly gen­er­at­ed web­sites. As a bonus, we’re joined by Mark Huot of CraftQL plu­g­in fame to dis­cuss how Gats­by’s con­tent aggre­ga­tor mod­el mar­ries with GraphQL in bliss­ful fash­ion. We dis­cuss exact­ly what Gats­by is, where it fits into the ecosys­tem of sta­t­ic site…
#frontend #gatsbyjs #react
The dev​Mode​.fm crew recaps the Dot All 2018 Con­fer­ence in Berlin, Ger­many… joined by Ben Cro­ker and Oliv­er Stark from for­tra­b­bit. We dis­cuss and ana­lyze the news announced at the Dot All 2018 con­fer­ence such as Craft CMS 3.1, Craft Com­merce 2, Craft Com­merce Lite, the new plu­g­in store and more! We also dis­cuss the talks that we heard, in terms of what talks we found mem­o­rable. The videos of…
#craftcms #dotall #recap
In this episode, we have Ben Cro­ker from PutY­ourLight­sOn to dis­cuss using Craft CMS 3 as an appli­ca­tion plat­form. We delve into defin­ing what we mean by a CMS vs. an appli­ca­tion plat­form, what a CMF is, and how these lines all blur togeth­er a bit. We go on talk about how you can lever­age the pow­er­ful con­tent mod­el­ing and friend­ly con­tent author­ing GUI of Craft CMS 3 to devel­op your own custom…
#webdev #development #application #craftcms
On this episode we have Jason McCal­lis­ter from Trad­er Inter­ac­tive on to dis­cuss Dock­er! We talk about what Dock­er con­tain­ers are, and how we can lever­age them to make our local devel­op­ment process bet­ter. We delve into the advan­tages of using Dock­er to com­part­men­tal­ize the var­i­ous ser­vices that we need dur­ing devel­op­ment into con­tain­ers, so that we can focus on ship­ping code rather than…
#docker #development #webdev
On this episode, we’re joined by Paulo Elias from IDEO to dis­cuss JAM­stack: Mod­ern web devel­op­ment archi­tec­ture based on client-side JavaScript, reusable APIs, and pre­built Markup. Paulo talks about his jour­ney from doing tra­di­tion­al LAMP/LEMP stack work to build­ing things using JavaScript as the hub of his uni­verse. We dis­cuss the pros and cons of embrac­ing this way of build­ing web­sites, and…
#JavaScript #React #Vue #frontend
On this episode, we talk with spe­cial guest Adam Wathan about the Vue­JS JavaScript frame­work. We talk about what Vue­JS is, and how its Lais­sez-faire approach lets you pick and choose how much of it makes sense to use in a project. We go into why using a frame­work like Vue­JS can help you write bet­ter, more man­age­able JavaScript than just rolling your own. The dis­cus­sion also mean­ders into a…
#vuejs #frontend #webdev
In this episode we talk with spe­cial guest Ben Parizek about how to approach clients run­ning on lega­cy sys­tems to upgrade to some­thing more mod­ern. We all have clients who are run­ning on old ver­sions of a CMS or oth­er sys­tem of some kind or anoth­er. We dis­cuss when it makes sense to broach the con­ver­sa­tion about mov­ing them to some­thing more mod­ern, and how to couch it in terms of ben­e­fits to…
#webdev #migration #bizdev
We have spe­cial guest Jere­my Kei­th from Clear­Left to dis­cuss Ser­vice Work­ers: what they are, how users can ben­e­fit from them, and how we imple­ment them. Jere­my authored the book Going Offline” which goes into glo­ri­ous detail on the sub­ject, so he’s well posi­tioned to dis­cuss the top­ic. We talk about how using a Ser­vice Work­er can ben­e­fi­cial­ly impact the user expe­ri­ence by allow­ing your website…
#service worker #webdev #frontend
In this episode, we have on spe­cial guest Jonathan Long­neck­er who works as a free­lance web devel­op­er, but trav­els the world full-time in an Airstream RV with his wife and four chil­dren. All the while, he also doc­u­ments his jour­neys and adven­tures on the TinyShiny​Home​.com web­site. We talk about the logis­tics of being able to jug­gle client work while liv­ing in a 200 sq ft 1972 Airstream RV, and…
#webdev #freelancing #nomadic
Episode 14 / 2018.06.11
In this episode, we all square up at high noon, dis­cussing our favorite local devel­op­ment envi­ron­ments in a shootout to deter­mine the best of the best. We talk about why we use a local dev envi­ron­ment at all, and what we’re try­ing to accom­plish by using one. We dis­cuss not using any local dev envi­ron­ment (true cow­boy cod­ing”), MAMP, Lar­avel Valet, Nanobox, Dock­er, and Lar­avel Home­stead in…
#development #environment #local dev #webdev
In this episode of dev​Mode​.fm we dis­cuss sup­port and main­te­nance retain­ers that you might estab­lish with your clients. We delve into exact­ly what a sup­port retain­er is, and when it makes sense for both you and the client. A steady stream of rev­enue is vital to free­lancers and agen­cies alike, and set­ting agreed upon bud­gets for pri­or­i­ty sup­port, updates, and changes can be very use­ful for your…
#shoptalk #webdev #bizdev #retainers
In this episode we have Andrew Fair­lie from Mutu­al to dis­cuss the new Euro­pean Union Gen­er­al Data Pro­tec­tion Reg­u­la­tion aka the GDPR. We dis­cuss what the GDPR means specif­i­cal­ly to web design­ers and devel­op­ers both in terms of the work we do, and the work pro­pos­als we draft. We dis­cuss the GDPR from a gestalt per­spec­tive, to get an under­stand­ing of what the gen­er­al intent of the law is, and also…
#GDPR #webdev #cookies
In this episode we have Bran­don Kel­ly, the founder of Pix­el & Ton­ic on to dis­cuss their recent­ly released Craft CMS 3. Liv­ing up to it’s ver­sion num­ber, Craft CMS was 3 years in the works, and is a major new iter­a­tion of the pop­u­lar CMS plat­form. We talk about the his­to­ry of Pix­el & Ton­ic as well as the his­to­ry of Craft CMS, and learn the role that the Cana­di­an gov­ern­ment played in the genesis…
#craftcms #craft-3 #webdev
In this episode we dive into using Git as a ver­sion con­trol sys­tem with Mijin­go’s Ryan Ire­lan. Whether you do fron­tend dev, back­end dev, or any kind of dev, odds are very good that you’re using Git as a ver­sion con­trol sys­tem. We talk about the his­to­ry of Git, and delve into some of the big­ger pic­ture con­cepts behind Git to help under­stand what’s going on under the hood. We dis­cuss var­i­ous git…
#webdev #git #version control #frontend
In this episode, we have spe­cial guest Mark Huot to talk about GraphQL and his CraftQL plu­g­in for Craft CMS 3. We talk about the his­to­ry of GraphQL, and what prob­lems it is designed to solve. We com­pare and con­trast it with REST APIs, and talk about how GraphQL fits in with the JAM­stack way of doing things. Even if you’re not work­ing on a web­site where you pro­vide an API, odds are very good that…
#graphql #craftql #REST #API
In this episode we have a round­table dis­cus­sion on deploy­ing your web­site. You’ve cre­at­ed an awe­some web­site, now how to do you it deployed to a pub­lic web serv­er so the rest of the world can see it? And more impor­tant­ly, how can you do this with­out tears? We dis­cuss Git as a ver­sion con­trol sys­tem, and why we use it for our web­sites. Then we move on to dis­cus­sion a num­ber of deployment…
#webdev #deployment #workflow
This episodes fea­tures acces­si­bil­i­ty guest Lau­ra Shields from Nerdery​.com in a live­ly dis­cus­sion about web acces­si­bil­i­ty: what it means, how to do it… and most impor­tant­ly, how to sell it to our clients. We can’t make the web a bet­ter place unless we can make a con­vinc­ing case to our clients that it’s in their best inter­est to pay for it. Acces­si­bil­i­ty or a11y” is some­thing that we all feel…
In this episode, we talk to Eli Perel­man and Tim Kel­ty from the Neu­tri­no JS project about how Neu­tri­no can make get­ting up and run­ning using web­pack a whole lot eas­i­er. Neu­tri­no pro­vides starter projects and mid­dle­ware con­figs you can just grab off of the shelf and start using. Per­haps more impor­tant­ly, Neu­tri­no lets you solve a build prob­lem once, and then re-use your Neu­tri­no mid­dle­ware in…
#Neutrino #webpack #frontend #webdev
In this episode, we dis­cuss Google Accel­er­at­ed Mobile Pages (AMP), from the promise of fast load­ing pages to what you cede to Google when you use it. We cov­er not just the ori­gins of Google AMP, and how to imple­ment it, but also whether AMP is a good idea from both a prac­ti­cal and philo­soph­i­cal per­spec­tive. Is Google AMP evil or awe­some? Lis­ten in for our thoughts, and give your per­spec­tive in…
#frontend #AMP #webperf #webdev
In this episode of dev​Mode​.fm, we talk to web vet­er­an & founder of the Web Direc­tions con­fer­ence, John All­sopp. We talk about the ori­gins of the web, includ­ing many tech­nolo­gies you may nev­er have heard of. John drops some fan­tas­tic tid­bits from the per­spec­tive that only some­one who has seen it all can offer. We also mean­der through a philo­soph­i­cal dis­cus­sion of the cur­rent and future state of…
#webdev #frontend #shoptalk
In this episode, we talk all about web host­ing! Once you’ve built a fan­tas­tic new web­site for your client, you have to find some­where to host it so the world can see it. ArcusTech’s Nevin Lyne joins us as we talk about dif­fer­ent options for host­ing, and define terms like shared host­ing”, man­aged host­ing”, VPS”, and more! Join us for a deep-dive all about find­ing just the right home for your…
#hosting #VPS #ArcusTech
We have Tail­wind CSS author Adam Wathan on to dis­cuss util­i­ty-first CSS, and why it’s a viable alter­na­tive to using seman­tic class­es or BEM nam­ing con­ven­tions. If you’ve heard of util­i­ty-first CSS but think it’s a mis­guid­ed idea, or have only a vague idea of what util­i­ty CSS or atom­ic CSS is, this is the pod­cast for you! We dis­cuss the prob­lems with can­dle drip” CSS that can accu­mu­late over…
#frontend #css #utility-first #tailwind
Episode 1 / 2017.12.08
In the inau­gur­al episode of the dev​Mode​.fm pod­cast, we talk all about Craft CMSRC1. When it is time to start using it for client projects? As devel­op­ers, what do we love about Craft CMS 3? How do we pitch Craft 3 to clients to get them to love it too? Has the tool­ing for Craft 3 got­ten too com­pli­cat­ed? Join us for some spir­it­ed discussion!
#craftcms #craft-3