// Handling Developer Burnout
Episode 59 / 2019.12.09
Andrew Welch, Patrick Harrington, Jennifer Blumberg, Jonathan Melville, Matt Stein
#shoptalk #bizdev #roundtable

On this episode, we have a round­table dis­cus­sion on devel­op­er burnout spear­head­ed by Ben Parizek of Bar­rrel Strength Design, along with our guest Ben Cro­ker of PutYourLightsOn.

We talk about all of our per­son­al expe­ri­ences with devel­op­er burnout, in terms of what it feels like, what and whom it impacts, and also how to deal with it.

We cen­ter the talk around Ben’s strug­gle with his own burnout, but then dis­cov­er that every sin­gle one of us has felt it to one degree or anoth­er. And so we also talk about ways to cope, and strate­gies for avoid­ing or mit­i­gat­ing devel­op­er burnout.

Apolo­gies for the dog in the back­ground… Aya is a dis­ser­vice dog. It’s bet­ter to burn out than fade away…

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