Episode 62 / 2020.01.20
Andrew Welch, Patrick Harrington
#react #native #apps

On this episode we talk with Paulo Ellias about build­ing real native iOS and Android apps in React native.

Even if your bread and but­ter is web devel­op­ment, explor­ing the options avail­able to you like React Native that allow you to lever­age your exist­ing skills can be a real­ly pos­i­tive outcome.

We dis­cuss what it’s like to go from build­ing CMS web­sites to build­ing React fron­tends to build­ing React Native apps, and how it’s not as much of a leap as you might think.

We go on dis­cuss some real world projects where React Native might be an extreme­ly viable option, and explore some of the tool­ing around React Native such as Expo.

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