Episode 26 / 2018.11.15
Andrew Welch, Michael Rog
#Vector Media Group #Happy Cog #bizdev

In this episode, we have spe­cial guests Matt Wein­berg from Vec­tor Media Group and Mark Huot from Hap­py Cog to dis­cuss Vec­tor Media Group’s recent acqui­si­tion of sto­ried web agency Hap­py Cog.

We delve into the moti­va­tion behind the acqui­si­tion, in terms of what Vec­tor Media Group hoped to gain, and then also from Hap­py Cog’s per­spec­tive in terms of ben­e­fits on their end. We also go into the dif­fi­cul­ties in merg­ing cul­ture, man­age­ment, pro­ce­dures, and tech­nolo­gies between two dis­parate groups.

Then we also talk about what it means to the wider devel­op­ment com­mu­ni­ty in terms of the con­sol­i­da­tion of agen­cies, and what the land­scape looks like going forward.

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