Episode 45 / 2019.07.08
Andrew Welch, Patrick Harrington, Jonathan Melville, Matt Stein, Michael Rog
#webflow #webdev #frontend

In this episode we talk about the visu­al devel­op­ment tool Webflow with co-founder Vlad Mag­dalin. Webflow is a visu­al web­site builder tar­get­ed at devel­op­ers rather than end users.

We talk to Vlad about his roots as a web devel­op­er that ulti­mate­ly led to his cre­ation of Webflow the com­pa­ny, and the tool. The impe­tus was tak­ing the rep­e­ti­tion out of the job of web devel­op­ment, allow­ing you to focus on the high­er lev­el deci­sion mak­ing and design where you bring value.

We dis­cuss how Webflow is very much tar­get­ed at devel­op­ers, and over­com­ing the stig­ma in a world jad­ed by the likes of Square­Space and Wix was a chal­lenge. But now Webflow is used on a large num­ber of web­sites big and small, and has been active­ly adding impor­tant new fea­tures such as Ecommerce.

We were joined by spe­cial guest host Ver­i­ty Stothard on this real­ly intrigu­ing deep dive into Webflow. We hope you love it!

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