Episode 61 / 2020.01.06
Andrew Welch, Patrick Harrington, Matt Stein
#frontend #webdev #components

On this episode, we’re joined by Adam Bradley & Manu Mar­tinez-Almei­da, the Ion­ic Frame­work team behind Stencil!

We learn how Sten­cil is a build tool that allows you to cre­ate frame­work agnos­tic com­po­nents that work with all of the major JavaScript frame­works, includ­ing no frame­work at all as Web Components.

We dis­cuss how the Ion­ic Frame­work’s need to solve the puz­zle of com­po­nents work­ing with mul­ti­ple frame­works lead to the cre­ation of Sten­cil. And Sten­cil is an OSS build tool that you can lever­age whether you use the Ion­ic Frame­work or not.

If your design sys­tems need to out­live the vagaries of the JavaScript world, or you work with mul­ti­ple projects or teams that use dif­fer­ent frame­works, you’ll want to give this one a listen!

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