Episode 24 / 2018.10.26
Andrew Welch, Patrick Harrington, Earl Johnston, Jonathan Melville, Michael Rog
#roundtable #frontend #webdev #migration

On this 1st anniver­sary pod­cast, the dev​Mode​.fm hosts along with Ryan Ire­lan have a round­table dis­cus­sion on a smor­gas­bord of tasty tech treats. We talk about projects we’re cur­rent­ly work­ing on, and tech­nolo­gies we’re exploring.

We dis­cuss Patrick­’s snazzy CodeK­it appar­el, Craft CMS stand­ing up to a mas­sive soc­cer mom DDoS, Expres­sion Engine going open source, and migrat­ing projects from old­er CMSs to new ones.

We go on to dis­cuss Andrew’s web­pack con­fig, Patrick­’s obses­sion with Gats­by, Jonathan’s near death expe­ri­ence, and a host of oth­er top­ics. Join in and have a listen!

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