Episode 117 / 2021.09.20
Jennifer Blumberg, Andrew Welch, Ryan Irelan
#javascript #headless #CMS

Host Jen­nifer Blum­berg leads the dis­cus­sion of Strapi, a Node-based CMS& API provider that allows you to cre­ate con­tent-rich expe­ri­ences. We are joined by guest Daniel Madal­it­so Phiri from Strapi’s devel­op­er rela­tions team.

We delve into using Strapi as a head­less CMS, lever­ag­ing the awe­some devel­op­er expe­ri­ence offered by the com­bi­na­tion of Type­Script, GraphQL, and React. Build any React com­po­nents you like, pull them into Strapi, and cre­ate a dynam­ic con­tent builder for your clients.

We also turn the tables on Jen­nifer, and talk about why she chose Strapi over Craft CMS, Con­tent­ful, Key­stone, and a num­ber of oth­er poten­tial suit­ors. We go in depth on what type of projects Strapi is suit­ed for, and whether she’ll con­tin­ue to use it going forward!

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