Episode 39 / 2019.04.29
Andrew Welch, Jonathan Melville, Matt Stein, Patrick Harrington
#JavaScript #frontend #bundling

In this episode, we talk with Fred K. Schott from the Pika Project about a future with­out web­pack. Instead of hav­ing a mas­sive build sys­tem just to use some node pack­ages on the fron­tend, we can use @pika/web!

@pika/web aims to tame some of the insan­i­ty that has come with mod­ern JavaScript tool­ing. We talk about how it works to cre­ate a web_modules fold­er right next to your node_modules fold­er, and that you can just use <script> tag to include any of those pack­ages on the frontend!

We also dis­cuss the morass of JavaScript, bundling, and how we’re lay­er­ing tool­ing on top of tool­ing to fix our prob­lems. Is there a bet­ter way? The Pika Project thinks so! Lis­ten in to see what you think!

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