Episode 103 / 2021.03.22
Patrick Harrington, Andrew Welch
#standup #product #revenue

Patrick & Andrew record anoth­er dev­Mode standup streamed live on YouTube, focus­ing the con­ver­sa­tion around the idea of using your skills and inter­ests to make your own product.

We talk about the ben­e­fits of using your super pow­ers as a devel­op­er to make your own prod­uct, and thus your own wealth… as well as the down­sides of being your own boss.

We also talk about Club­house, DotAll con­fer­ence 2021, Nuxt, Vite, Snow­pack, Tail­wind CSS, Win­di CSS, pack­age verison­ing hell, and a whole bunch of oth­er topics!

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