Episode 13 / 2018.05.28
Jonathan Melville, Andrew Welch, Lauren Dorman, Patrick Harrington
#shoptalk #webdev #bizdev #retainers

In this episode of dev​Mode​.fm we dis­cuss sup­port and main­te­nance retain­ers that you might estab­lish with your clients. We delve into exact­ly what a sup­port retain­er is, and when it makes sense for both you and the client.

A steady stream of rev­enue is vital to free­lancers and agen­cies alike, and set­ting agreed upon bud­gets for pri­or­i­ty sup­port, updates, and changes can be very use­ful for your clients as well. We talk about when to do it, how to do it, and what some of the pit­falls are.

We have spe­cial guest Lind­sey DiLore­to on to dis­cuss his desire to fold sup­port con­tracts into his reg­u­lar way of doing busi­ness at Dou­ble Secret Agency.

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