Episode 99 / 2021.02.15
Andrew Welch, Patrick Harrington
#webperf #JAMstack #webdev

We sit down for a chat with Hen­ri Hel­veti­ca to dis­cuss his jour­ney from work­ing at record labels to the fash­ion indus­try and then land­ing with a splash in the tech world.

We dis­cuss how his var­ied back­ground has giv­en him things to draw upon in the tech world in unex­pect­ed but serendip­i­tous ways.

We have a good dis­cus­sion on the Toron­to Web Perf & JAM­stack Toron­to mee­tups he hosts, the talks he gives at con­fer­ences around the world, and the weird, won­der­ful world of web performance.

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