Episode 74 / 2020.04.27
Jennifer Blumberg, Andrew Welch, Patrick Harrington
#craftcms #testing #plugin

Jen­nifer Blum­berg hosts this episode with Giel Tet­te­laar, Tech Lead @ Glob­al Net­work Group & the author of the Craft CMS test­ing envi­ron­ment to talk all about testing!

Ben Cro­ker from Put Your Lights On joins in the dis­cus­sion of what test­ing is, where to test, and when to test.

We delve into prac­ti­cal times when a plu­g­in devel­op­er or cus­tom mod­ule devel­op­er might want imple­ment test­ing, as well as fron­tend test­ing with accep­tance testing.

Andrew also announces a test­ing frame­work added to plug​in​fac​to​ry​.io via Giel’s PR.

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