Episode 118 / 2021.10.04
Andrew Welch, Ryan Irelan
#standup #juvie #ee

Ryan Ire­lan & Andrew record anoth­er dev­Mode standup streamed live on YouTube where we talk about some real­ly cool new stream­ing shows such as Myth­ic Quest” and Foun­da­tion”.

Then we also dis­cuss the chal­lenges of rais­ing pre­co­cious kids with tech­nol­o­gy… even if you are very tech-savvy yourself!

We also dis­cuss the iOS focus mode”, Expres­sio­nEngine Pro’s new fron­tend edit­ing mode that’s a throw­back to Mojo­Mo­tor, Chrome’s design mode, and how prod­uct fea­ture design can be a slip­pery slope to navigate.

We also talk about Andrew’s book read­ing fail, Ryan’s insults, the upcom­ing DotAll online con­fer­ence, and how both of us approach tech and oth­er con­fer­ences in terms of what we want to get out of them.

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