Episode 15 / 2018.06.25
Andrew Welch, Lauren Dorman, Marion Newlevant, Patrick Harrington
#webdev #freelancing #nomadic

In this episode, we have on spe­cial guest Jonathan Long­neck­er who works as a free­lance web devel­op­er, but trav­els the world full-time in an Airstream RV with his wife and four chil­dren. All the while, he also doc­u­ments his jour­neys and adven­tures on the TinyShiny​Home​.com website.

We talk about the logis­tics of being able to jug­gle client work while liv­ing in a 200 sq ft 1972 Airstream RV, and han­dling the vagaries of spot­ty Inter­net con­nec­tions in far-flung locations.

We then go into a more per­son­al and philo­soph­i­cal dis­cus­sion of how most peo­ple do a ter­ri­ble job bal­anc­ing work­ing, liv­ing, and play­ing… and how as a free­lancer you have more options open to you than you might think possible!

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