We are
Andrew Welch, Patrick Harrington, Jonathan Melville, Michael Rog, Earl Johnston, Marion Newlevant, Lauren Dorman, Matt Stein, Jennifer Blumberg, Ryan Irelan, Ben Croker
#craftcms #frontend #craft-3 #css #utility-first

What is the dev​Mode​.fm pod­cast all about?

Is the source code to the dev​Mode​.fm web­site available?

What tech­nolo­gies were used build­ing the dev​Mode​.fm website?

The following Craft CMS plugins are used to build the site:

Our Hosts

Andrew Welch

Andrew Welch has been in the tech busi­ness since he was 15 years old. After a stint run­ning a soft­ware com­pa­ny for a cou­ple of decades, he’s now immers­ing him­self in doing con­sult­ing to help busi­ness­es use tech­nol­o­gy effectively.

Patrick Har­ring­ton

Patrick Har­ring­ton has been obsessed with the web ever since pick­ing up a copy of HTML for Dum­mies at age 13. After work­ing for larg­er Boston-area agen­cies, he start­ed his own com­pa­ny in 2011 and spe­cial­izes in Craft CMS.

Jonathan Melville

Jonathan is principal/​CEO of MDD, a small web agency based in Atlanta, Geor­gia. He has been devel­op­ing for the web since 2005 and Craft CMS since 2013. He used to have free time and cool hob­bies until his sec­ond child arrived on Decem­ber 6, 2017. He loves his work and his family.
Michael runs a small dev team in Texas. Code is his hap­py place. He wants to be a teacher when he grows up. When not writ­ing code, he cooks with friends, trav­els all over the place, sings in the show­er, and works out with the circus.

Earl John­ston

Earl John­ston is a free­lance web devel­op­er oper­at­ing under the Hypa­tia Indus­tries ban­ner. He spe­cial­izes in high fives and bourbon.

    Mar­i­on Newlevant

    Mar­i­on has been writ­ing soft­ware for over 40 years. She may not have seen it all, but she’s seen many things, most of them more than once. Mar­i­on is the queen of twig macros, and the sec­ond most famous Newlevant.

    Lau­ren Dorman

    Lau­ren is a devel­op­er with a back­ground in design, hail­ing from Tole­do, Ohio. Her focus: make under­stand­ing code scal­a­bil­i­ty eas­i­er, to help cre­ate per­for­mant and acces­si­ble expe­ri­ences. Out­side of work: play­ing with her MIDI con­troller, find­ing the best shows, and cycling around the streets of Neukölln.
    Mat­t’s a web devel­op­er with a design back­ground that’s been build­ing web­sites for the past decade. He loves learn­ing, con­nect­ing things, and help­ing busi­ness­es solve mul­ti-faceted, inter­net-shaped problems.

    Jen­nifer Blumberg

    Jen is part­ner and co-founder of Next Solu­tions, a remote soft­ware devel­op­ment agency. She made her first web­site in 1996 and has made some progress since then.

    Ryan Ire­lan

    Ryan is the cre­ator of CraftQuest and pri­ma­ry instruc­tor. Through his agency work and soft­ware team man­age­ment, Ryan has worked with brands like Ben & Jer­ry’s, Papa John’s, and Stan­ford Uni­ver­si­ty. He’s taught engi­neers at NASA, inter­nal teams at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Chica­go, Cana­di­an Broad­cast­ing Cor­po­ra­tion, and Umass Boston. In addi­tion to train­ing, Ryan con­sults with teams and com­pa­nies on…

    Ben Cro­ker