Episode 125 / 2022.01.31
Andrew Welch, Ryan Irelan
#craftcms #craft-4 #php

Ryan Ire­lan & Andrew record anoth­er dev­Mode standup where we dis­cuss the impend­ing release of Craft CMS 4.

We delve into why this update won’t be as much work as the Craft 2 to Craft 3 update, but we talk about the work plu­g­in & mod­ule devel­op­ers will need to do, and what you can do to pre­pare for Craft 4 now.

We also talk about Pix­el & Ton­ic’s like­ly release dates for the beta and gen­er­al release, and how a tool called Rec­tor may ease the process for everyone.

We also then talk about how to do long reports or exports well using batch­es with­out PHP falling over, a mem­o­iza­tion mem­o­ry leak in Com­merce, and Ryan tells us about stake­hold­er-appro­pri­ate workflows.

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