// Una Kravets on Google Material Design & web trends
Episode 42 / 2019.06.03
Andrew Welch, Patrick Harrington
#material #design #webdev

In this episode we have the one and only Una Kravets on to dis­cuss her new sta­tus as a Googler in the Mate­r­i­al Design Web depart­ment. We talk to Una about what exact­ly Google’s Mate­r­i­al Design is, and how it’s far more than just Google’s UX for the web.

In fact, Google’s Mate­r­i­al Design is entire­ly theme-able, and is a broad umbrel­la under which Google’s web prod­ucts, Android UX, and many oth­er things fall.

We go on to have a rol­lick­ing dis­cus­sion about the JavaScript world, how YouTube con­spired to kill IE 6, sup­port­ing old­er browsers through pro­gres­sive enhance­ment, dark mode, emo­tion­al mode, RAGECLICKS and more!

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