Episode 16 / 2018.07.09
Andrew Welch, Marion Newlevant
#service worker #webdev #frontend

We have spe­cial guest Jere­my Kei­th from Clear­Left to dis­cuss Ser­vice Work­ers: what they are, how users can ben­e­fit from them, and how we imple­ment them. Jere­my authored the book Going Offline” which goes into glo­ri­ous detail on the sub­ject, so he’s well posi­tioned to dis­cuss the topic.

We talk about how using a Ser­vice Work­er can ben­e­fi­cial­ly impact the user expe­ri­ence by allow­ing your web­site to still func­tion despite spot­ty or no Inter­net con­nec­tion at all. We also delve into many prac­ti­cal appli­ca­tions of the technology.

We dis­cuss how in-brows­er tech­nolo­gies like Ser­vice Work­ers allow web­sites to act more like apps”, how Ser­vice Work­ers are installed, and how they are like a virus, a tool­box, and a duck­billed platy­pus at once.

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