Episode 75 / 2020.05.05
Andrew Welch, Patrick Harrington, Jonathan Melville
#devops #local dev #craftcms

On this episode, we have Jason McCal­lis­ter and Brad Bell from Pix­el & Ton­ic on to talk about their new Craft Nitro prod­uct for local PHP development.

Nitro is a light­weight local dev envi­ron­ment that lever­ages Canon­i­cal’s Mul­ti­pass tech­nol­o­gy that gives you the ben­e­fits you want from a VM, but with­out the heav­i­ness you don’t.

We talk about how Jason spear­head­ed the devel­op­ment of Craft Nitro, to make it into some­thing that has strikes a bal­ance between zero con­fig and flexibility.

Craft Nitro was designed for Craft CMS projects, but pro­vides a great local dev expe­ri­ence for any­thing that needs a PHP stack, such as Laravel.

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