Episode 112 / 2021.07.12
Andrew Welch, Ryan Irelan
#standup #wwdc #typescript

Ryan Ire­lan & Andrew record anoth­er dev­Mode standup streamed live on YouTube; we chat about Apple AirTags for track­ing peo­ple & pets, WWDC 2021, and our take (and dis­ap­point­ment) at some of the announcements.

Then on to Apple Home­Pods vs. Sonos setups, 68K → Pow­er­PC tran­si­tion, Pow­er­PC → Intel tran­si­tion, and a bunch of oth­er non­sense like YouTube copy­right strikes.

Andrew talks about some Type­Script cod­ing he’s been doing on Vite/​Rollup plu­g­ins of late, and the tran­si­tion to VitePress for doc­u­men­ta­tion… and the awe­some­ness that is TextLint, Gram­marly, and Com­merce Subscriptions.

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