// The Honesty Required to Run a Profitable Business
Episode 49 / 2019.08.19
Andrew Welch, Patrick Harrington, Jonathan Melville, Matt Stein
#shoptalk #webdev #bizdev

In this episode we talk with Stephen Cal­len­der about what it takes to run a prof­itable busi­ness. As it turns out, it requires a whole lot of honesty.

Stephen shares his jour­ney from dual mas­ters degrees to being a preach­er to final­ly end­ed up run­ning his own web devel­op­ment agency from Argentina.

Run­ning your own busi­ness isn’t always ros­es, and Stephen talks can­did­ly about how despite his busi­ness gen­er­at­ing sub­stan­tial rev­enue, he end­ed up $45k in debt… some­thing he lat­er had to con­fess to his wife.

It’s a real­ly fan­tas­tic talk about the real­i­ty of run­ning your own busi­ness, and spoil­er alert: a great come­back story!

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