Episode 76 / 2020.05.18
Andrew Welch, Patrick Harrington, Michael Rog
#css #javascript #css-in-js

On this episode, we talk to Chris­t­ian Alfoni & Fab­rice Wein­berg about their brand new Tail­wind CSS inspired CSS in JS baby, Stitches!

Chris­t­ian & Fab­rice talk about the advan­tages that CSS in JS offers, allow­ing you to get auto­mat­ic Crit­i­cal CSS, have nar­row­ly scoped styles, and skip the Purge CSS step found in more tra­di­tion­al approaches.

We dis­cuss how they decid­ed to aban­don their Classy UI project in favor of Stitch­es, and how this new Type­Script-dri­ven approach to design sys­tem tokens allows them to deliv­er the devel­op­er expe­ri­ence in spades.

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