Episode 134 / 2022.11.21
Andrew Welch, Ryan Irelan
#standup #Vue #React #smash

On this standup, Ryan & I dis­cussed options for the new ver­sion of the nys​tu​dio107​.com web­site: Nuxt, Next, Astro, Svelte, or Remix, and the pros and cons of these var­i­ous options.

We go on to talk about a sur­prise birth­day trip to NYC for a Bil­ly Joel con­cert for Andrew’s son, and how Ryan Swiftie” Ire­lan is to blame for it. We also dis­cuss the insane MMO Star Cit­i­zen game, 10 years in devel­op­ment, com­mu­ni­ty fund­ed to the tune of $500m+!

Then we talk about the Code Field plu­g­in for Craft CMS, and the Code Edi­tor pack­age on which it is based. This essen­tial­ly brings VS Code to the Craft CP, but with even bet­ter Twig & Craft API auto­com­plete than VS Code itself.

Final­ly, we debate the mer­its of a rage room vs. a lim­ou­sine tour of the city for chil­dren’s birth­days and adroit­ly switch over to dis­cussing VitePress, and how fan­tas­tic it is for doing doc­u­men­ta­tion… or even as a gen­er­al-pur­pose sta­t­ic site generator.

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