Episode 18 / 2018.08.06
Andrew Welch, Patrick Harrington, Earl Johnston
#vuejs #frontend #webdev

On this episode, we talk with spe­cial guest Adam Wathan about the Vue­JS JavaScript frame­work. We talk about what Vue­JS is, and how its Lais­sez-faire approach lets you pick and choose how much of it makes sense to use in a project.

We go into why using a frame­work like Vue­JS can help you write bet­ter, more man­age­able JavaScript than just rolling your own. The dis­cus­sion also mean­ders into a philo­soph­i­cal dis­cus­sion of whether using a fron­tend frame­work for ren­der­ing the fron­tend is always the best choice.

If you’re inter­est­ed in Vue­JS, or are using it already, hope­ful­ly this pod­cast will have plen­ty to offer you as food for thought!

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